Wellcome Trust Scholarships for the MA in Medical History and Humanities
The MA in Medical History and Humanities has been awarded a Wellcome Trust Masters Programme Award in Humanities and Social Sciences.
This award scheme supports Masters programmes to train humanities and social science researchers in any area of health. At York, the award will support five scholarships over three years. The Department is offering two scholarships for applicants commencing their studies in Autumn 2023.
This year’s scholarship is open to all UK and international applicants who have applied to the MA in Medical History and Humanities by 5pm on Wednesday 3 May 2023. All applications will be assessed for academic rigour, ambition, and leadership potential. The candidate’s plans to use the Masters programme to prepare for their future careers will also be taken into account. This may include using the MA to prepare for PhD research, or careers in health-related humanities or social science, or outside academia.
We care about opening up access to those who have previously not had the opportunity. We strongly encourage applicants from backgrounds that are less advantaged or under-represented in higher education. To further support this aim, we have specifically ring-fenced one scholarship for an applicant from an under-represented or less advantaged background.
Open to International (including EU) and UK (home) students.
Open to students in the Department of History.
To be eligible for the ring-fenced scholarship, you must meet all the course requirements plus at least one of the following*:
- You identify as a member of a minority ethnic community in the UK
- You have experience of Public Care
- You have been a carer
- You have a disability or long-term health condition
- You have a household income below £42,875 (threshold subject to change) (priority will be given to applicants who were entitled to, or were in receipt of, free school meals or discretionary payments at school or sixth form)/have received the Maximum Maintenance Loan, or Maximum Maintenance Grant or Special Support Grant
- Have been the first in their family to attend higher education (not including siblings) on entry to undergraduate study
- You are on a low income
- You are seeking asylum in the UK or have been granted refugee status
*Some of these criteria will only be relevant to UK applicants.
Application deadline: Wednesday 3 May 2023, 5pm BST
To apply you must have:
- applied online for the MA in Medical History and Humanities
- submitted the Department of History MA Scholarships application form*
* Please note that this scholarships application form only needs to be filled in once to apply for all scholarships administered by the Department of History, i.e. Departmental scholarships, MA in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies scholarships, Alcuin scholarship, Hamspon scholarship, McCormack scholarship, Wellcome Trust scholarship).
Applications for MA scholarships will be assessed on evidence of academic merit and on your personal statement.
Preference will be given to applicants who meet all the course requirements plus one or more of the following*:
- You identify as a member of a minority ethnic community in the UK
- You have experience of Public Care
- You have been a carer
- You have a disability or long-term health condition
- You have a household income below £42,875 (threshold subject to change) (priority will be given to applicants who were entitled to, or were in receipt of, free school meals or discretionary payments at school or sixth form)/have received the Maximum Maintenance Loan, or Maximum Maintenance Grant or Special Support Grant
- Have been the first in their family to attend higher education (not including siblings) on entry to undergraduate study
- You are on a low income
- You are seeking asylum in the UK or have been granted refugee status
* Some of these criteria will only be relevant to UK applicants. You may make a case for an international equivalent.
Your personal statement on the application form will consist of the following two questions:
- Please explain to the panel how you meet any of the above criteria and how you have faced significant barriers in your personal, social or domestic life that have affected your journey through school and college.
- Please explain to the panel how the scholarship would help you to achieve your academic and personal goals.
The scholarship provides:
- A fee waiver at the Home/UK rate**
- A stipend of £16,000, paid in quarterly instalments during the programme of study
- A contribution to travel and other research costs
** Successful international applicants will have to finance the remainder of the international fee from other sources.