Wellcome Trust Scholarships for the MA in Medical History and Humanities

The MA in Medical History and Humanities has been awarded a Wellcome Trust Masters Programme Award in Humanities and Social Sciences.

  • Funding: Fee waiver at the UK (Home) rate, and a stipend of £16,000
  • Academic year: 2023/24
  • Open to: International (including EU) and UK (home) students
  • Qualification level: Postgraduate taught
  • Number available: 2
Applications for 2023/24 are closed.

This award scheme supports Masters programmes to train humanities and social science researchers in any area of health. At York, the award will support five scholarships over three years. The Department is offering two scholarships for applicants commencing their studies in Autumn 2023.

This year’s scholarship is open to all UK and international applicants who have applied to the MA in Medical History and Humanities by 5pm on Wednesday 3 May 2023. All applications will be assessed for academic rigour, ambition, and leadership potential. The candidate’s plans to use the Masters programme to prepare for their future careers will also be taken into account. This may include using the MA to prepare for PhD research, or careers in health-related humanities or social science, or outside academia.

We care about opening up access to those who have previously not had the opportunity. We strongly encourage applicants from backgrounds that are less advantaged or under-represented in higher education. To further support this aim, we have specifically ring-fenced one scholarship for an applicant from an under-represented or less advantaged background.

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