Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships

News | Posted on Tuesday 10 October 2023

We are inviting expressions of interest for the Leverhulme Early Career Scheme.

The Department of History at the University of York is taking informal enquiries and expressions of interest for the Leverhulme Early Career Fellowships. These Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, but who have a proven record of research. The expectation is that Fellows should undertake a significant piece of publishable work during their tenure, and that the Fellowships should lead to a more permanent academic position.

It is encouraged that you liaise with an appropriate member of staff within the department to discuss your project and application. Please view our staff list to find out about who our staff are. 

The deadline for submission of expressions of interest is 31st October 2023, 5pm. An expression of interest must include: 

  • CV (4 pages max): including your name and current institution, the date of
    submission of your doctorate or date of your doctoral viva
  • a summary of your proposed project (max. 1,000 words)
  • one paragraph explaining why you see the Department of History at York as a good fit for your planned project (max. 500 words)
  • one paragraph underlining why you consider yourself to be an outstanding candidate for this scheme
  • one writing sample (article or chapter, published or unpublished).

Please email any expressions of interest to simon.ditchfield@york.ac.uk

If you have any questions, please contact simon.ditchfield@york.ac.uk 


Notes to editors: