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Publications and Special Reductions

Libreria Neapolis
A bookshop specialising in Naples-related publications.

Libreria Napoletana
Via San Gregorio Armeno, 4
80138 Napoli (NA) Italy

Reductions on books through OUP

- Prof Helen Hills reads conventual architecture as a metaphor for the body of the aristocratic virgin nun, mapping out the dialectic between flesh and stone, in "Invisible City. The Architecture of Devotion in Seventeenth Century Neapolitan Convents". Click here for more information. Invisible City Pdf (PDF , 448kb)

- New Approaches to Naples, a collection of essays, edited by Melissa Calaresu and Helen Hills, drawn together from our AHRC-funded Neapolitan Network Workshops. Read a review here.

Visit the special sections dedicated to Recent publications: you will find further information about the latest issues!





Arts and Humanities Research Council

Arts and Humanities Research Council