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Professor Sarah Brown
Course Director, MA in Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management


BA (London), MA (York), FSA, FRHistS

Sarah Brown specialises in stained glass, its history and conservation. She is course director of the department’s MA in Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management, a role that she combines with her responsibilities as Director of the York Glaziers Trust where she has recently overseen the conservation of the Great East Window of York Minster of 1405-8. She joined the History of Art Department in 2008 after a long career with the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England and latterly with English Heritage.

Sarah has worked on ecclesiastical architecture and stained glass of all periods, while specialising in the history and conservation of stained glass of the Middle Ages and Gothic Revival. She is particularly interested in the intersection between art and craft and in the history of stained glass restoration in Great Britain.

Sarah is chairman of the British committee of the Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi based in the University of York’s Stained Glass Studies Research Cluster.

Sarah is Director and Chief Executive of the York Glaziers Trust, responsible for the care of the stained glass of York Minster and for projects for external clients throughout the UK.

Contact details

Professor Sarah Brown
Course Director, MA in Stained Glass Conservation and Heritage Management
Department of History of Art
Centre for Medieval Studies
King’s Manor

Tel: 01904 324987

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