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Board of Studies

The Department of Health Sciences Board of Studies (BoS) has overall responsibility for the student experience, teaching and learning, and quality assurance of all programmes of study offered by the Department.

The Board ensures effective discharge of the teaching objectives of the University and is ultimately responsible for the content, structure, delivery, quality assurance and recommendation of final results. The quality of the programmes is assured by the monitoring and evaluation of the Department's teaching programmes, via external and internal methods, including student feedback and the performance and progress of individual students.

The Board of Studies meets three times per year. Its membership includes staff who contribute to the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Department, and student representative members who attend for each meeting's main agenda.

If you attend departmental meetings as the student representative, you will be entitled to claim for your travel expenses. If the meeting clashes with a timetable session, you will not be counted as 'absent'; however you will be required to inform your lecturer of your whereabouts during this time.

Chair: Sue Faulds (01904 32) 1635

Deputy Chair: vacant

Admin Support: Veronica Gillies (01904 32) 1307

Membership includes the staff of the Department who contribute to the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Department, and student representative members who attend for each meeting's main agenda.