Accessibility statement

Independent & Supplementary Prescribing for Non-medical Prescribers (V300)

Approved by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) and Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). 

Completing chart

HCPC logo

Our Non-Medical Prescribing programme is accredited by the Nursing and Midwifery Council for Registered Nurses and Midwives and the Health Care Professions Council for Allied Health Professionals (dieticians, paramedics, physiotherapists, chiropodists/podiatrists and radiographers). 

The programme prepares nurses, midwives, paramedics, podiatrists and physiotherapists to prescribe as independent and/or supplementary prescribers, and dieticians and radiographers as supplementary prescribers through achievement of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society standards. 

Places on this programme are limited to those registrants who fulfil all the entry criteria defined by the Department of Health Sciences and the Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs). 

Please note that attendance on this programme does not infer the right to prescribe. You may only prescribe once your prescribing qualification has been annotated on the relevant professional body register. When this has occurred, you may only prescribe from the formulary you are qualified to prescribe from and within your competence and scope of practice.

Access to the programme is by formal application, where we will be looking at whether you fulfil the requirements to access the programme set out here and the relevant Professional Regulatory Statutory Body.

Level 6 - Degree

  • Non-medical prescribers: Independent and Supplementary prescribing (nurses, midwives and allied health professionals) - level 6 

If you successfully complete this programme at Level 6, you will be awarded 30 credit points by the University of York. For cost information, please visit

Level 7 - Masters

  • Non-medical prescribers: Independent and Supplementary prescribing (nurses, midwives and allied health professionals) - level 7 

If you successfully complete this programme you will be awarded 30 credits at level 7 by the University of York. For cost information, please visit