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Evaluation of Medical Devices for Product Development and Health Technology Assessment

19-21 February 2019, 9am - 5pm (3 day course)

The Principal York Hotel

Course leader: Dr Cynthia Iglesias

Please note that booking closes on 7th February.

Unlike pharmaceuticals medical devices are invented rather than discovered. This has profound implications for the development, regulation and evaluation of these healthcare technologies. 

The course provides a comprehensive overview of key issues associated with medical devices clinical and economic evaluation and the creative alternative methods available to robustly evaluate them. It is aimed at medical device developers, manufacturers, regulators, healthcare practitioners, analysts, consultants, and health technology assessors interested in optimising the evidence generation processes aimed at informing key decisions they are faced with throughout the full development and evaluation pathway of medical devices.

Those attending may be new to the field of health technology assessment of medical devices but wish to appreciate and appraise studies done by others and commission research to support value claims associated with medical devices part of submissions to regulatory and health technology assessment agencies.  Similarly, the course will be suitable for experienced analysts interested in having a deeper understanding of medical device evaluation.