E-PLaYS-2 - Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication impairment: a cluster randomised controlled trial
INTERACT - A cluster RCT of Intensive Interaction to support the communication abilities of children and young people with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD)
MC II – An RCT of the Maths Champions II online programme supporting nursery practitioners to develop numeracy skills for children aged 3-4 years
TDTS – Thinking, Doing, Talking Science: An effectiveness trial of a professional development programme designed to improve year 5 science outcomes
TEEMUP – A professional development programme to develop early numeracy in Reception and Year 1 pupils: a cluster randomised controlled trial
Year 6 science – A multi-phase project to develop a Year 6 science attainment assessment for use as an evaluation outcome measure
Completed Projects
5Rs RCT – evaluation of a maths programme for GCSE resits
ABRA – Abracadabra an RCT of an online literacy programme for Year 1 pupils
ASSSIST – A study to develop a manualised Social Stories intervention for use with children with autism spectrum disorder in mainstream schools to reduce challenging behaviour.
EAL – An RCT of English as an Additional Language training for classroom teachers at GCSE
EasyPeasy – pre-school learning through play: a cluster RCT
E-PLAYS – Enhancing Pragmatic LAnguage skills for Young children with Social communication disorder: a feasibility study
Grammar for Writing – An RCT to understand the effectiveness of Grammar for Writing at improving the writing skills of Year 6 pupils
LEXIA – A trial of the effectiveness of Lexia Reading CORE5, a computer-based independent learning system for struggling readers in Year 2
Maths Champions – a cluster RCT of an online programme in supporting nursery practitioners to develop numeracy skills for children aged 3-4 years
Project-Based Learning – An RCT of delivery of all lessons and activities around a single complex enquiry or project for Year 7
Project Teensleep – a pilot study of the impact of sleep education on students’ sleep
ReflectED – An RCT of the ReflectED approach to developing metacognition skills in KS1+2 pupils to support attainment in maths and reading
SCI-napse – A pilot study followed by a full-scale pragmatic RCT evaluating the impact of a game-based approach to whole class teaching on pupils’ learning.
Tutor Trust – An RCT of the effectiveness of the Tutor Trust tutoring programme for improving maths attainment at Key Stage 2 for children who are performing below expected norms