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The PROMETHEUS programme (funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) aimed to facilitate the development of strategies to increase the evidence base around recruitment and retention strategies rapidly.

This programme funded 42 SWATs, embedded within 31 host trials, across 12 CTUs in the UK between 2018 and 2021. This was done by offering trial teams up to £5000 to embed a SWAT within their host trial, alongside methodological support.

This is the biggest single effort to generate SWAT evidence worldwide to date. Below we summarise our work with the PROMETHEUS programme.

What was found?

Initially, the programme aimed to fund 25 SWATs, however, as the average cost was lower than anticipated (£4007), further SWATs were able to be funded. Additionally, the centralised coordination of the programme proved to be efficient. See (Doherty et al., 2022) for more information.

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Publications (as of May 2023)

Useful links:

Press release

For further details about PROMETHEUS please see the following press release.

PROMETHEUS Hosted Webinars


Medical Research Council

Grant number MR/R013748/1

Sponsor: University of York
Start date: 1st April 2018
End date: 30th September 2020



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