Dissertation Marking
Undertaking some dissertation marking? Follow these helpful tips:
- Preparation Ensure that you are in touch with the Department’s Dissertation Co-ordinator/Programme Leader/Module Co-ordinator so that you are aware of which dissertations have been allocated to you for mark and key deadlines.
- Check that you have access to module information on the VLE, that you have access to the Q: drive so that you can access submitted dissertations and upload agreed marks.
- Read, read and read! Invest time in becoming familiar with what is expected from students (e.g. structure and content of the dissertation; presentation) and the Department’s Marking Criteria.
- Access supplementary information about dissertation marking to guide you through the process of marking. If marking postgraduate dissertations, after you have been allocated to marking a project guidance specific to the Master's degree will be provided by the Dissertation Development Committee via email. This will include information on anticipated marking timelines, the marking process included guidance, FAQs and a marking sheet.
- Find out whether the student has any exceptional circumstances which need to be taken into consideration when marking the dissertation.
- Allow plenty of time to engage with the marking process, for example, by blocking out time in your calendar, so that you can focus on marking.
- When writing feedback ensure that it’s clear, highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the dissertation and that your feedback refers to the marking criteria.
- Get in touch with the other marker (if applicable) and arrange a time for a meeting where you will discuss and agree your mark and complete the feedback form. Dissertations may be blind double marked meaning that each dissertation is marked independently by both markers, the marks are then discussed and a final mark is agreed. You may both agree on a mark, however, there may be instances where there is disagreement about a mark which cannot be resolved. In this case contact the Programme Leader/Module Co-ordinator for advice.
- Seek support and guidance from your colleagues if needed to alleviate any stress or help you to build confidence with dissertation marking.
Interested in marking a dissertation? Keep an eye out from DOHS-Research emails who will ask for members of staff to express an interest in dissertation topics.