Accessibility statement


  • Are you passionate about making food accessible to everyone in the community? 
  • Do you work or volunteer in a group or organisation that offers help with food? 
  • Is this community food asset located either in Bradford or Tower Hamlets?

If you answered yes to all the questions above we need your help.

Image showing computer screen with survey on it

We are looking forward to hearing from all organisations, big and small, formal and informal. We are willing to hear from community markets, community cafes, community gardens allotments, Pay As You Feel cafes, community kitchens, schools or sport groups providing school holiday emergency food, charities offering food pantries, and food banks. We are interested in all types of organisations and all types of food support. (Image By Tungilik (CC0 1.0) from  

Please fill out our survey. This will help us to get a picture of what support with food  is available in your community and how accessible it is. Completing the survey only takes a few minutes. The survey is confidential, nobody will be able to identify you or your organisation if you decide to take part. 

If you know someone who works or volunteers at a Community Food Asset please share this survey link with them. Thank you so much for your help.