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Physical and Mental Health of Older Prisoners (PAMHOP)

The overall aim of the project is to co-produce a tool kit for older prisoners with physical and common mental-health disorders (depression and anxiety).

The study has five elements:

  • To synthesize the evidence to identify effective programme elements to help improve the mental health of older prisoners
  • To assess the socio demographic characteristics and unmet needs of older prisoners using a survey and qualitative interviews
  • To develop an economic resource protocol to inform the main trial
  • To disseminate the findings with support from the Prison Radio Association
  • To co-produce a new practical guidance tool kit

Listen to Dr Amanda Perry talking about the results of a systematic review on interventions to support mental and physical health in older people in custody.

Read about the latest systematic review evidence

Access the practical guidance tool kit for women V11 (PDF , 1,149kb) which was co-produced for women aged 50 years and above to help support mental health and well-being in custody.  This document outlines the research evidence, findings from a survey, how to engage and promote a sustainable approach to the delivery of activities in prison.  It provides three example case studies of how to implement a peer-led book club, and adapted chair yoga and mindfulness script to promote sleep and a local heritage project.

Access the practical guidance tool kit for men V11 (PDF , 1,209kb) which was co-produced for men aged 50 years and above to help support mental health and well-being in custody.  This document outlines the research evidence, findings from a survey, how to engage and promote a sustainable approach to the delivery of activities in prison.  It provides three example case studies of how to implement a peer-led book club, and shares a session about drug use in older people and promotes a local heritage project.

PAMHOP Dissemination Event

Dear All

Thank you for joining us at the PAMHOP (Physical and Mental Health of Older Prisoners) Dissemination Event, where we will share insights and findings from our research. Due to the demand for online places, we have decided to deliver this event solely online.  The event details and access to the Teams meeting are shared below.  

Event Title: PAMHOP Dissemination Event 

Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2024  

Time: 10:45 AM – finish by 2 PM  

Join the event by Microsoft Teams Link:  Join the meeting now  Meeting ID: 325 079 657 167  Passcode: NZ4Bkw


10.45am - 11.30am  Introductions about the project Prof Amanda Perry and Thirimon Moe Byrne

11.30am  Comfort break

11.45am - 12.15am Reflections from prison officer Donna Booth - older people in prison

12.15am - 12.45pm Reflections from Prof John Schofield - Archeology in prisons an example

12.45pm - 1.15pm Lunch break

1.15pm - 1.45pm Reflections and the service user voices from Suzi Dale - the Prison Radio Association

1.45pm - 2.00pm  Discussion, questions and answers

We look forward to welcoming you to the event.

Kind regards