The National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation (NACR)
The NHS National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation (NACR) is hosted by the University of York in collaboration with NHS Digital. The NACR aims to:
Monitor and support cardiovascular rehabilitation (CR) teams and commissioners in delivering high-quality and effective services, to evidence-based standards, for the benefit of all eligible patients.
Map the extent of provision and highlight inequalities and insufficiencies in delivery against key service indicators at Strategic Clinical Network, Clinical Commissioning Group, Health Board and Cardiac Network levels for over 320 programmes in the UK.
Design and implement research to determine the effectiveness of routinely delivered CR services on patient agreed outcomes, cardiovascular disease risk profiles and health and social care utilisation.
Use audit and research data generated through the NACR to inform:
NICE clinical guidance and service specification development
Clinical practice standards from national associations
NHS healthcare commissioning processes and decision making
The public and cardiac patient groups about how their local services are performing.