Research in health sciences
Recognised internationally for leading high-quality health and social care research that is influencing policy and practice.
Our research is truly interdisciplinary and strongly aligns with major national and international health challenges across an increasing life-course.
It leads to greater innovation in the diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of health conditions whilst seeking to maximise health care resources for the benefit of present and future generations.
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The Research Excellence Framework 2021
- Our research is ranked 6th in the UK for research power in the Times Higher Education ranking of the latest REF results, with over 92% of our research rated as world-leading (4*) for impact.
Research strengths
We conduct research within our six core research groups. Our researchers work together to maintain the best possible environment to nurture research excellence.
We work in multidisciplinary teams, alongside patients and the public, and use a mix of research approaches to deliver methodologically rigorous and meaningful programmes of research.

Impact and engagement
Generating research impact is a routine part of what we do - from the early design phase through to the completion and translation of our research.
- Raising engagement in randomised control trials
- Exposing the impact of social inequality
- Filling the evidence gap on haematological cancers
- Improving uptake and quality of cardiac rehabilitation
- Paying for performance in healthcare
- Solving the dual burden of tuberculosis and tobacco smoking in South Asia

Our research - an overview
The Department of Health Sciences at the University of York is a large, multi-disciplinary and multi-professional department with over 130 active research staff including clinical academics in public health, primary care and mental health, all supported by a highly experienced administration team.
Patient and Public Involvement
We’re committed to involving members of the public in the creation, delivery and evaluation of health professional education in the department, and we’re equally committed to being transparent in how we do this.
Find out more about our commitment to Public and Patient Involvement (PPI), and how you can get involved in our research.