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Suman Prinjha
Senior Research Fellow (Associate Professor)



Suman joined York Trials Unit in January 2024 as a Senior Research Fellow / Associate Professor. She is a qualitative researcher with over 20 years’ postdoctoral experience, and a BACP-registered psychotherapist. She leads research into health inequalities, ethnic minority health, and patients’ experiences of illness and healthcare.

Suman is Co-Investigator and EDI theme lead on a 5-year NIHR-funded programme grant, leading work on the inclusion of Bangladeshi, Black African and Caribbean communities in a clinical trial on COPD.

She is also Co-investigator on an NIHR-funded feasibility study to design and test a smart digital tool to help GPs detect heart failure earlier, and decrease the frequency of hospital diagnoses. At the NIHR Research Support Service delivered by the University of York and partners, she advises on research inclusion.

From 2022-23, Suman was a Senior Research Advisor with NIHR Research Design Service East Midlands (RDS-EM) and Centre for Ethnic Health Research (CEHR), University of Leicester.  Prior to that, from 2001-2021, she worked at University of Oxford.  She has conducted 11 studies published on the award-winning, a health website that presents academic research findings to the general public. Her work included conducting around 450 face-to-face interviews across the UK, analysing the data, and writing lay summaries and academic papers on patients' experiences of:

  • Cancer and cancer screening (breast screening; breast cancer; DCIS; CIN3 and CGIN
  • Intensive care (patients’ and relatives’ experiences; organ donation
  • Long-term conditions (epilepsy; living with an indwelling urinary catheter
  • Orthopaedic surgery (partial knee replacement; keyhole shoulder surgery)
  • Young people’s use and experiences of primary care

LinkedIn profile

X: @SumanPrinjha


  • Postgraduate Diploma Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of East London
  • PhD Social Anthropology, London School of Economics
  • MSc Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh
  • BSc Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Bradford

Departmental roles

Research Impact and Knowledge Exchange Lead, Department of Health Sciences

University roles

Advisory Board member, EDI Research Centre 



Suman’s research focuses on health inequalities, ethnic minority health, and long-term conditions.  This includes research into South Asian experiences of type 2 diabetes and developing culturally appropriate health information.

Selected completed projects


  • UPTURN Study - Co-design and evaluation of an intervention to increase UPTake of pUlmonary RehabilitatioN for people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • THINK-HF - Feasibility Trial of electronic Health record INtelligent tooling in primary care for quicKer diagnosis of HF 

Research group(s)

Trials and Statistics


Suman would be interested in supervising PhD students working in the following areas: health inequalities, ethnic minority health, mental health, and patients’ experiences of long-term conditions.


Selected publications

Full publications list

Suman Prinjha's publications

External activities


  • Member of Diabetes UK Research Steering Group
  • Member of NHS England National Healthcare Inequalities Network
  • Registered member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Invited talks and conferences

Selected invited talks

  • 2024: Inclusive trials: ethics in action. University College Cork-CRF and the Health Research Board-Trials Methodology Research Network
  • 2023: Cultural competence and inclusivity in research. Three NIHR Research Schools Mental Health Programme
  • 2023: How to improve inclusivity in health research. NIHR Liver Partnerships launch, University of Nottingham
  • 2021: Cancer Research UK Elusive Risks Project: Including ethnic minority views in health research. University of Cambridge

Media coverage

2022: Asian men seek ‘culturally sensitive’ accessible therapy

Media coverage on Suman’s Healthtalk studies:

Living with a urinary catheter study

  1. Spinal Column: I don’t want to injure myself again: If addicts can give up heroin, then I can give up horses. Journalist: Melanie Reid. The Times Magazine 08/06/13 p.13
  1. Spinal Column: My hip has settled down, my nails have stopped rotting, but my hands are depressingly clawed. Journalist: Melanie Reid. The Times Magazine 25/05/13 p. 11

Contact details

Dr Suman Prinjha
Senior Research Fellow (Associate Professor)

Tel: 01904 32(3976)
