Accessibility statement

Nerina Onion
Programme Manager, National Audit of Cardiac Rehabilitation


Nerina has worked for the NACR team since October 2007. Her role includes:

  • Project management of developments, changes and improvements on the NACR database with NHS Digital.
  • Development and implementation of the National Certification Programme for Cardiac Rehabilitation (NCP_CR) alongside the British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR).
  • Information Governance and access to the NACR.
  • User support and training, workshops, user manuals, social media, online registers.

Departmental roles

  • Member of Equality and Diversity Committee (Domestic Violence and Abuse)

Contact details

Nerina Onion
Member of Equality and Diversity Committee (Domestic Violence and Abuse)

Tel: 01904 32(1326)