Accessibility statement

Luke Strachan
Research Fellow (Statistician)



After completing a masters in Mathematics at the University of Oxford, Luke Strachan joined York Trials Unit in October 2021 as a Statistician. He has experience working on a variety of trials including wound care, surgery, education and mental health


  • MMath in Mathematics



  • BART II - An RCT to evaluate the effectiveness of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for individuals who meet the criteria for being at risk of developing bipolar disorder.
  • E-PLAYS 2 - Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication impairment: a cluster randomised controlled trial
  • IBPI - An RCT evaluating the clinical and cost effectiveness of an online integrated bipolar parenting intervention to improve child emotional and behavioural problems.
  • SOFFT - Simple Olecranon Fracture Fixation Trial
  • TIDE - Trial of Decolonisation
  • VenUS-6 - - A three-arm randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of compression wraps versus evidence based compression versus two layer bandaging for venous leg ulcers.

Research group(s)


Contact details

Luke Strachan
Research Fellow (Statistician)

Tel: 01904 32(4555)
