Accessibility statement

Rachael W. Cheung
Visiting Research Fellow


Rachael is a Research Associate working with Born in Bradford’s Better Start (BiBBS). She is the Lead Research Fellow at the Better Start Bradford Innovation Hub for Language/Communication interventions, working with community-based early years practitioners. She is also the Lead Research Fellow in charge of planning the next phase of the BiBBS birth cohort around funding and research data strategy. Her PhD is in Developmental Psychology with a focus on language development in typical and atypical populations. She was previously a junior doctor working across Paediatrics, Psychiatry, and A&E. 


  • PhD Developmental Psychology, Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholar (Lancaster University)
  • MSc Developmental Neuroscience & Psychopathology (UCL / Yale University)
  • MSc Healthcare Ethics & Law (University of Manchester)
  • MBChB Medicine (University of Manchester)

Contact details

Dr Rachael W. Cheung
Visiting Research Fellow