Accessibility statement

Holly Essex
Research Fellow



Holly is a Research Fellow and midwife. She has broad research experience implementing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. She currently works in the Health Services and Policy research group and has recently worked on projects for the PREPARE programme of fast response research, for the Department of Health and Social Care. Most notably she led a large focus group study on women’s health priorities to support the Governments’ Call for Evidence for the Women’s Health Strategy.

Holly has worked on varied health topics, however, her primary interests are in women’s health, particularly during the perinatal period. She was awarded an ESRC/MRC studentship for her doctoral work, completed in 2011, during which she explored the risk factors for women having a caesarean section or an instrumental birth in the UK, using data from the Millennium Cohort study.

In 2017 Holly qualified as a midwife and she has since specialised in digital midwifery. She presently works in both a midwife and research capacity.


  • BSc Health Sciences, University of York
  • BSc (Hons) Midwifery
  • MSc Health Services Research, University of York
  • PhD Health Sciences, University of York



Holly is an applied health services researcher has worked across a wide range of topics. She has interests in women’s health, particularly during the perinatal period.


Current Projects

  • Mixed Methods Evaluation of the high-volume low-complexity surgical hUb pRogrammE (MEASURE): 

Previous Projects

  • Evaluation of Colon Capsule Endoscopy: Patient experience study (both quantitative and qualitative data collection led by Dr Essex).
  • Partnership for REsponsive Policy Analysis and REsearch (PREPARE) programme research:

Research group(s)


Full publications list

Contact details

Dr Holly Essex
Research Fellow