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Students scoop awards at Love York awards

Posted on 19 June 2024

Two of our second year nursing students have successfully won awards at the recent Love York awards. The awards are run by the University of York Students’ Union and shine a spotlight on the students that have made a huge contribution to the university experience.

May Local, (MNursing Child) was nominated in two categories but won the award for Outstanding Contribution to Academic Experience, an award that recognises those individuals who have strived to make improvements to their course or the general academic experience of students studying at York.

Stevie Scott (BSc Adult Nursing) won Fundraiser of the Year, an award which recognises strong student-led campaigns and fundraising undertaken by groups or individuals on campus.

Professor Kate Flemming, Head of Department said: “Congratulations to both May and Stevie on winning these awards. To be nominated for an award is an achievement in itself but to win is truly amazing. Well done.”