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Students nominated for Love York Awards

Posted on 3 June 2024

Three undergraduate nursing students have all been nominated for awards at the University of York Students’ Union Love York Awards.

Stevie Scott and Becky Nisbet are second year nursing students and are up for an award each, while May Local, also a second year nursing student has been nominated in two categories.

May Local - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution to Academic Experience and Contribution to Student Wellbeing. 

May Local

The Outstanding Contribution to Academic Experience award recognises those individuals who have strived to make improvements to their course or the general academic experience of students studying at York. 

The Contribution to Student Wellbeing Award recognises the work of an individual or group who have shown dedication and passion in improving the wellbeing of students, or raised awareness of specific wellbeing issues during their time at University. 

“I’m so grateful for both nominations as I feel so passionate about supporting the wellbeing of students like myself in what can be a stressful career path. I love being a student representative and I absolutely can’t wait to see what the next year brings.”

Becky Nisbet - Nominated for Outstanding Contribution to Student Life

Becky Nisbet

Becky was surprised to receive the nomination for her contribution to student life across the University. Becky has led a neurodiversity project in the Department designed to support stage 1 neurodivergent student nurses and midwives, and has also led the committee involved in bringing back the Nursing Society. Becky has also been an RCN Student Ambassador for North Yorkshire and promoted student involvement in the RCN beyond course requirements. Becky has also been an engaged course representative for the Stage 2 students for the 2023-24 academic year.

“I was really pleased to be nominated for this award for my involvement in activities in the Department and wider university. I am really grateful for the time taken by my supervisor to nominate me.”

Stevie Scott - Nominated for Campaign or Fundraiser of the Year.

Stevie Smith

This award recognises strong student-led campaigns and fundraising undertaken by groups or individuals on campus. Stevie said: “I was nominated as I was an ambassador for the university for Movember this year and we raised over £40,000 as a university. I also personally raised just under £1000. I helped organise a quiz night, sporting events, club nights and prizes for competitions. I have done this in the memory of my dad who passed away in 2019 from prostate cancer.”


Professor Kate Flemming, Head of Department said: "I was thrilled to hear that three of our students have been nominated for their individual successes, it's a real achievement to be shortlisted for these awards. Congratulations to you all."

Professor David Barrett,  Deputy Head of Department (Teaching) added: "It's fantastic to see May, Becky and Stevie's nominations in their individual categories and I would like to wish them all good luck at the ceremony in June."

The ceremony takes place on Sunday 9th June. For more information on the awards visit the Love York awards website.