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Top results in National Student Survey 2024

Posted on 19 July 2024

The results of the 2024 National Student Survey have revealed the strengths of the Department of Health Sciences, with several areas ranked first in the country.

Professor Kate Flemming, Head of Department said, “These outstanding NSS results, particularly for our nursing associate programme, show just how committed our staff are to delivering the best possible teaching to our students."


Within the nursing (non-specific) category, which includes students on our Nursing Associate programme, we ranked 1st or 1st= in the UK for three broad areas of the survey: Teaching on my Course, Organisation and Management, and Assessment and Feedback.

We placed 1st in the UK for Teaching on my Course, with a score of 100%. This includes scores of 100% for each of the following questions: 

  • Q1. How good are teaching staff at explaining things?
  • Q2. How often do teaching staff make the subject engaging?
  • Q3. How often is the course intellectually stimulating?
  • Q4. How often does your course challenge you to achieve your best work?

We placed =1st in the UK for Assessment and Feedback, also with a score of 100%. This includes scores of 100% for each of the following questions:  

  • Q10. How clear were the marking criteria used to assess your work
  • Q11. How fair has the marking and assessment been on your course?
  • Q12. How well have assessments allowed you to demonstrate what you have learned?
  • Q13. How often have you received assessment feedback on time?
  • Q14. How often does feedback help you to improve your work?

We placed 1st in the UK for Organisation and Management, with a score of 97%. This includes:

  • Q17 How well organised is your course? (94%)
  • Q18 How well were any changes to your course communicated? (100%)

Mental health nursing

In mental health nursing, we placed 1st in the Russell Group for Assessment and Feedback, scoring 89%. This includes:

  • Q10 How clear were the marking criteria used to assess your work? (94%)
  • Q11 How fair has the marking and assessment been on your course? (88%)
  • Q12 How well have assessments allowed you to demonstrate what you have learned? (88%)
  • Q13 How often have you received assessment feedback on time? (100%)
  • Q14 How often does feedback help you to improve your work? (76%)


For midwifery, we placed 2nd in the Russell Group for Teaching on my Course, scoring 92%. This includes:

  • Q1 How good are teaching staff at explaining things? (89%)
  • Q2 How often do teaching staff make the subject engaging? (85%)
  • Q3 How often is the course intellectually stimulating? (96%)
  • Q4 How often does your course challenge you to achieve your best work? (96%)

The National Student Survey

The NSS is a nationwide survey of final-year students in higher and further education. They answer questions on a variety of aspects of their university experience, including their department and course. 

Almost 2,800 York students responded to the 2024 survey, helping prospective applicants to compare courses and make informed decisions about where to study. The survey empowers those taking part to shape the future of their course, giving universities honest feedback on what they are doing well and where they can improve.