Posted on 7 December 2017
Mona Kanaan, senior lecturer within the Department, will be working alongside colleagues at Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust in a study to improve access to psychological therapies (IAPT services) to recognise and respond to people with depression, anxiety and psychotic experiences.
A quarter of people who are getting help from Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) or psychological wellbeing services for common mental health disorders may have some psychotic experiences, such as paranoia or hearing voices. However, their experiences are not measured routinely and they do not recover very well. These people do not feel supported properly by their local NHS.
The new study, funded by the NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) Programme, could help pave the way for new models of care to be designed to plug this gap. These include tailored ‘talking therapies’ and a training package for therapists working in psychological wellbeing services.
Mona was a co-applicant for the grant alongside consultants Professor Perez and Professor Jones led the successful application for the Tailoring evidence-based psychological therapY for People with common mental disorder including Psychotic EXperiences study (TYPPEX). It builds upon findings and work of CPFT’s award-winning CAMEO Early Intervention in Psychosis Services.
The Department of Health Sciences will be providing statistical expertise, specifically in the area of planned stepped wedge randomised trial.