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Department wins silver green impact award

Posted on 12 June 2015

Green award for Health Sciences

The Department of Health Sciences has been awarded a silver award for Green Impact.

Green Impact is a national environmental accreditation and awards scheme run by the National Union of Students. The project works over 50 universities and colleges and is now expanding into NHS trusts, local authorities and beyond. The programme is run as part of the University of York's carbon management plan. It aims to recognise and reward people's green habits in the workplace. It provides easy-to-implement actions, which will make the workplace more environmentally friendly.

The Health Sciences Green Impact Team has been working together throughout the year to raise awareness and implement changes to help improve the Department's environmental impact. 

Changes include introducing mixed waste recycling bins within the Department and ensuring PCs are turned off at the end of the day. Other initiatives are using projectors in meetings rather than printing out minutes, as well as more obvious ones like turning off lights when rooms are not in use.

In 2013, the Department received the bronze award and last year won the award for the 'most innovative team'.

Jonathan Ayto, who is part of the Department's Green Impact Team, said: "It's great news to win the silver award and a big thank you goes to all staff and students who have worked together to help make this possible. Now we have our sights set on the gold award."

For more information visit the Health Sciences Green Impact webpages.