Accessibility statement

Introduction to the Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials

Monday 7 November 2011, 9.00AM to 10/11/11

Speaker(s): Dr Caroline Mozley, Head of Research and Development, York NHS Trust and Dr Alan Ebbutt, Formerly Head of Statistics, GlaxoSmithKline, Greenford

The aim of the course is to equip participants with the basic skills and knowledge for designing, conducting and analysing randomised controlled trials.

The course will be of interest to nurses, doctors and allied health professionals who are involved in conducting randomised controlled trials.  Download the flyer and application form or contact Sally Baker on 01904 321726.  Email

The course runs over four days from 7th - 10th November 2011.

Location: Alcuin Research Resource Centre, University of York


Telephone: 01904 321726