Accessibility statement

Charlie Welch
Research Fellow (Statistician)



Charlie graduated with a master’s degree in mathematics in 2016 before joining York Trials Unit as a Trainee Statistician in 2017. He has substantial practical experience in the design, conduct and analysis of randomised controlled trials in medicine and healthcare. Charlie is interested in statistical modelling, causal inference, Bayesian methods and adaptive trial designs and the application of these tools to designed experiments and observational studies in both the clinical and social sciences.


  • MMATH Mathematics (2016)



  • ACTIVE – A RCT assessing the effectiveness of internal plate fixation versus external fine wire fixation for the management of Type C, closed pilon fractures of the distal tibia
  • CLASS III: Children learning about second-hand smoke : A  cluster randomised controlled trial
  • DIDACT - Multi-centre randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of surgery compared with sling immobilisation in the management of adults with radiological
  • DISC – A RCT comparing injections of collagenase to surgical correction in the treatment of moderate Dupuytren's contracture
  • EPLAYS-2 - Enhancing Pragmatic Language skills for Young children with Social communication impairment: a cluster randomised controlled trial
  • EXTEND – An RCT determining the effectiveness of longer antibiotic courses in improving intra-abdominal infection patient outcomes
  • PROFHER-2 – A RCT assessing the effectiveness of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty versus Hemiarthroplasty versus Non-surgical care for acute three and four-part fractures of the proximal humerus in older adults
  • SNAP-2
  • VenUS-6 – An RCT evaluating the effectiveness of compression wraps versus evidence based compression versus two layer bandaging for venous leg ulcers


  • ASSSIST-2 – Social Stories for children with autism
  • EEF - ParentChild+
  • E-PLAYS - Evaluating 'enhancing pragmatic language skills for young children with social communication disorder: a feasibility study
  • MiQUIT 3 - RCT and meta-analysis testing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a tailored text message programme (MiQuit) for smoking cessation in pregnancy.

Research group(s)


Full publications list

Charlie Welch

Contact details

Charlie Welch
Research Fellow (Statistician)

Tel: 01904 32(1757)
