
For most online sessions on your course, we will be using Zoom.

Install the Zoom Client

You must download and install the Zoom Client for Meetings on your computer or mobile phone. You can download it from Zoom’s website.

It is important to update your Zoom Client to the latest version, as this there is a minimum requirement set by our University.

Signing in

If you want to set up a meeting, you will need to sign in to Zoom.

To set up your account, go to https://york-ac-uk.zoom.us/, where you can use your University IT username and password.

Always choose the Sign in with SSO (single sign-on) option to log in to Zoom and enter your University login details, otherwise you will not be able to join our sessions.

This way you will also have access to the premium features (eg. unlimited meeting time).

Here's a short recording that will help you sign in to Zoom:



There are a number of controls available in Zoom:

  • mute or turn on your microphone
  • start/stop your video
  • chat box: your tutor will sometimes ask you to type an answer in here
  • raising your hand (virtually)
  • saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in response to the tutor’s questions

Breakout rooms

We’ll be using ‘breakout rooms’ during the lessons. Your teacher will put you in one of these with a few other students. Please remember to turn your microphone on when you’re in a breakout room.

General Zoom guidelines

  • Write your name in English before you enter the Zoom session (the atmosphere will be much friendlier if we can use each other's names);
  • Keep your camera on (conversation is a lot easier when we can see facial expressions and gestures);
  • Keep your microphone off unless you are speaking (so that others don’t have to listen to a lot of background noise);
  • Raise your hand (using the Zoom controls) if you want to speak to get the attention of the tutor or other participants in breakout rooms;
  • Remember that others can see you, and while your camera is on, don't do anything that you wouldn't do in a classroom with other people;
  • Ask for help if you have any problems.

For more help with Zoom, head over to the University of York IT Guide for Zoom.