This challenge area studies the natural world from individuals to populations and from communities to ecosystems.

This research allows us to identify how biodiversity contributes to the functioning of ecosystems and responds to environmental change, particularly the environmental pressures caused by humans and the consequences for people of biodiversity degradation.

Our main research strengths are in tropical forests, drylands, conservation biology and management, wildlife disease, behavioural ecology, the contributions that biodiversity makes to human wellbeing, and assessing how nature-based solutions can be used to address some of the key global challenges.

Research snapshots

The University of York is coordinating a project integrating ecological and cultural histories to inform sustainable and equitable futures for the Colombian páramos.  Watch Professor Piran White introducing the project, listen to the songs of the páramos and visit the co-created community website, with events, recipes and art reflecting páramo life.

Rob Marchant and colleagues are working with communities to explore potential pathways for land use change over the coming decades.  Watch this animation introducing the KESHO participatory scenario development tool.

Members of the securing a biodiverse planet challenge area are working on multiple UKRI funded projects to improve UK treescapes for the benefit of the environment and society. Watch this introduction to the Connected Treescapes project.
