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Mark Tolley
Departmental IT Technician


Mark is an IT Technician who has been supporting users and computer systems for over 20 years, with experience in the home, commercial and education & research IT sectors. Originally from the West Midlands, York became his favourite city to visit, and upon being made redundant from his job as a technician for a Further Education College, he took the opportunity to move North and start a new life here.

Joining the University in April 2018, Mark's role as Departmental IT Technician is split evenly between the Environment & Geography and Chemistry departments. He performs all IT support work that cannot be resolved via the Information & IT Services Helpdesk, as well as new installations, help and support, software and infrastructure upgrades, testing and development, IT asset management, updating the website and any other IT related work required by the department.

Contact details

Mr Mark Tolley
Departmental IT Technician
Chemistry and Environment & Geography (split role)
University of York
YO10 5DD