Accessibility statement

Jon Hill
Senior Lecturer


Jon joined the department in 2014. His first degree was from the University of Edinburgh in Geophysics and then he went on to obtain a Masters in High Performance Computing (HPC) from Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC). He then continued at the University of Edinburgh by completing his Ph.D. in Geology. Afterwards, he worked at EPCC for three years before moving to Imperial College London, first as a post-doctoral research associate and then as a research fellow.

Jon is a numerical environmental scientist and he applies advanced numerical methods to understand the underlying chemical, biological and physical processes of natural systems. He has a diverse research background that spans HPC, sedimentology, physical oceanography and palaeobiology. His current research focus is on assessing the tsunami hazard to the UK from submarine slides in the Arctic and examining the environmental impact of wave and tidal energy devices around the UK. He also has interests in the physical oceanography and biogeochemistry of ancient and modern seas.

See Jon on Twitter, his group website, or on his personal web page.


Senior Lecturer

University of York


University of York
Research Fellow  Imperial College, London 
Postdoctora Research Assistant  Imperial College, London 
PhD, Geology  University of Edinburgh 
MSc, High Performance Computing (HPC)  Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) 
BSc, Geophysics  University of Edinburgh 

Hill, Jon

Contact details

Dr Jon Hill
Senior Lecturer
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
YO10 5NG

Tel: 01904 324480