- Lin, Y., Hibbert, F.D., Whitehouse, P.L., Woodroffe, S.A., Purcell, A., Shennan, I., Bradley, S.L. A reconciled solution of Meltwater Pulse 1A sources by sea-level fingerprinting. Nature Communications (accepted)
- Al-Mikhlafi, A.S., Hibbert, F.D., Edwards, L.R., Cheng, H. Holocene relative sea-level changes and coastal evolution along the coastlines of Kamaran Island and As-Salif Peninsula, Yemen, southern Red Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews 252, 106719. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106719.
- Rohling, E.J.*, Hibbert, F.D.*, Grant, K.M., Galaasen, E.V., Irvali, N., Kleiven, H.F., Marino, G., Ninnemann, U., Roberts, A.P., Rosenthal, Y., Schulz, H., Williams, F.H., Yu, J. 2019. Asynchronous Antarctic and Greenland ice-volume contributions to the last interglacial sea-level highstand. Nature Communications 10, 5040, doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12874-3 (*joint first authors)
- Khider, D., Emile-Geay, J., McKay, N.P., Gil, Y., Garijo, D., Ratnakar, V., et al…. PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data (Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology) https://doi.org/10.1029/2019PA003632
- Khan, N., Hibbert, F.D., Rovere, A. Sea-level databases. Past Global Changes Magazine (PAGES). 27(1), 10-11, https://doi.org/10.22498/pages.27.1.10
- Hibbert, F.D., Williams, F.H., Fallon, S., Rohling, E.J. A database of biological and geomorphological sea-level markers from the Last Glacial Maximum to present. Scientific Data 5, 180088, doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.88
- Rohling E.J.*, Hibbert F.D.*, Williams, F.H.*, Grant, K.M., Marino, G., Foster, G.L., Hennekam, R., de Lange, G.J., Roberts, A.P., Yu, J., Webster, J.M., Yokoyama, Y. 2017. Differences between the last two glacial maxima and implications for ice-sheet, δ18O, and sea-level reconstructions. (Invited review) Quaternary Science Reviews, 176: 1-28 doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.09.009 (*joint first authors)
- Hibbert, F.D., Rohling, E.J., Dutton, A., Chatcharavan, P.M., Zhao, C., Williams, F., Tamisea, M. 2016. Coral indicators of past sea-level change: a global repository of U-series dated benchmarks. (Invited review) Quaternary Science Reviews 145: 1-56. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.04.019
- Channell, J.E.T., Harrison, R.J., Lascu, I., McCave, I.N., Hibbert, F.D., Austin, W.E.N. 2016. Magnetic record of deglaciation using FORC-PCA, sortable-silt grain size, and magnetic excursion at 26 ka, from the Rockall Trough (NE Atlantic). Geochemistry, Geophyscis, Geosystems doi 10.1002/2016GC006300
- Small, D., Rinterknecht, V., Austin, W.E.N., Bates, R., Benn, D.I., Scourse, J.D., Bourlés, D.L., Hibbert, F.D. Implications of 36Cl exposure ages from Skye for the timing of ice stream deglaciation and Late Glacial ice dynamics. Quaternary Science Reviews 150: 130-145. doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2016.08.028
- Düsterhus, A., Rovere, A., Carlson, A.E., Barlow, N.L.M., Bradwell, T., Clark, J., Dutton, A., Gehrels, R., Hibbert, F.D., Hijma, M.P., Horton, B.P., Klemann, V., Kopp, R.E., Sivan, D., Tarasov, L., Törnqvist, T.E. 2016. Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives. Climate of the Past 12: 911-921. doi: 10.5194/cp-12-911-2016
- Hibbert, F.D, Wastegård, S., Gwynn, R., Austin, W.E.N. 2014. Identification of a MIS 6 age (ca. 180ka) Icelandic tephra within N.E. Atlantic sediments: a new potential chronostratigraphic marker. Austin, W. E. N., Abbott, P. M., Davies, S. M., Pearce, N. J. G. & Wastegård, S. (eds) Marine Tephrochronology. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 398, http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/SP398.10
- Abbott, P.M., Austin, W.E.N., Davies, S.M., Pearce, N.J.G., Hibbert, F.D. 2013. Cryptotephrochronology over the Eemian and the last interglacial-glacial transition in the North East Atlantic. Quaternary Science Reviews 28(5) 501–514
- Austin, W.E.N., Hibbert, F.D. 2012. Tracing Time in the Ocean: A brief review of chronological constraints in marine event-based stratigraphies 8-60 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews.36: 28-37.
- Austin, W.E.N., Hibbert, F.D., Rasmussen, S.O., Peters, C., Abbott, P.M., Bryant, C.L. 2012. The synchronisation of palaeoclimatic events in the North Atlantic region during Greenland Stadial 3. Quaternary Science Reviews doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.12.014
- Hibbert. F.D. 2011. Dynamics of the British Ice Sheet and Prevailing Hydrographic Conditions for the Last 175,000 years: An investigation of marine sediment core MD04-2822 from the Rockall Trough. PhD thesis, University of St Andrews. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/3136
- Abbott, P.M., Davies, S.M., Austin, W.E.N., Pearce, N.J.G., Hibbert, F.D. 2011. Identification of cryptotephra horizons in a North East Atlantic marine record spanning marine isotope stages 4 and 5a (∼60,000-82,000 a b2k). Quaternary International 246: 177-189. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2011.07.033
- Hibbert, F.D., Austin, W.E.N., Leng, M.J., Gatliff, R.W. 2010. British Ice Sheet Dynamics inferred from North Atlantic ice-rafted debris records spanning the last 175,000 years. Journal of Quaternary Science 25(4): 461–482 DOI: 10.1002/jqs.1331
- Peters, C., Austin, W.E.N., Walden, J., Hibbert, F.D. 2010. Magnetic characterisation and correlation of a Younger Dryas tephra in North Atlantic marine sediments. Journal of Quaternary Science 25: 339–347.
- Leslie, A., Hitchen, K., Wallis, D., Dove, D., Hibbert, F.D., Gatliff, R.W., Owen N. 2009. Cruise 2009/05: Site survey investigation and planning for drill sites in the Irish Shelf / Rockall / Hatton area. British Geological Survey Internal Report, IR/09/075. 48pp.
- Hibbert, F.D. 2007. QRA AGM, St Andrews: The growth Maximum Extent and Deglaciation of the last British and Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Newsletter 113: 25-32