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Debs Sharpe
Laboratory Technician


Deborah is the Technician responsible for providing support to the Teaching Laboratories.

Her main duties include:

  • To assist with operation and maintenance of lab equipment
  • Preparation of experimental and stock solutions for teaching purposes
  • General housekeeping of teaching labs.
  • Disposal of chemical waste and glass
  • Stock control of chemicals, consumables and lab equipment
  • To assist in the operation of department field trips 

Deborah has a MChem in Chemistry from York in 2010, and had a strong leaning towards Environmental Chemistry from the start. She conducted her final year research project within the Green Chemistry Department, looking at obtaining useful aromatic molecules via the hydrogenation of lignin.

Sharpe, Debs

Contact details

Debs Sharpe
Laboratory Technician
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: 01904 324788
Fax: 01904 322998