Bryce is a marine ecologist and fisheries biologist whose work has ranged from temperate estuaries to tropical coral reefs and the deep-sea. The central thread in his research has been to gain an increased understanding of the factors regulating marine populations and communities so as to ensure their sustainable utilisation. His work on deep-sea fishes was among the first to demonstrate their extreme longevity, and on coral reefs he provided new evidence for mechanisms of community regulation of prey fish by predators. More recently his focus has been on how to improve the management of fisheries through the use of predictive recruitment models, marine protected areas and stock enhancement. Bryce also actively promotes sustainability within the seafood industry by working with everyone from government ministers to fishermen, restaurants and supermarket chains. Since 2016 he has been particularly involved with assessing the effects of Brexit on UK fisheries and the marine environment, and helping to plan for future reform of management by working with a wide range of stakeholders and the Government.
Senior Lecturer |
Department of Environment and Geography, University of York, UK |
PhD (Marine Biology) |
James Cook University, QLD, AUS |
BSc Hons (Zoology) |
University of Melbourne, VIC, AUS |
Departmental roles
Director for Engagement and Partnerships
Co-leader of the Archaeology, Biology, Chemistry and Environment Programme - School of Natural Sciences
University roles
YorRobots - Executive Committee member
Bryce's research is currently focused on three main themes:
Management of Marine Fisheries and Ecosystems
For over 20 years Bryce has been conducting research on the biology, impacts and management of marine fisheries. A particular focus has been on examining the utility of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for providing breeding refuges for scallops and mitigating the environmental effects of scallop fishing gear. This work has had considerable influence on fisheries management policies in the United Kingdom. More recently his interest in fisheries management has been expanded to examine the use of MPAs for other species, and how to reduce discards and by-catch in finfish fisheries. Since 2016 he has also been heavily involved in assessing the effects of Brexit on the management of fisheries and the marine environment around the UK.
The Effects of Environmental Change on Aquatic Ecosystems
Recent research has revealed that scallop populations are currently being benefited by climate change. However, effects further into the future and on the benthic community in general are likely to be more complicated. Bryce is currently examining long-term datasets in collaboration with his research students to explore these concepts. An interesting angle to consider in the future will be the effect of ocean acidification on marine invertebrate communities.
The Effectiveness of the Sustainable Seafood Movement
During his time at the Marine Conservation Society and also as a private consultant, Bryce became extensively involved in the promotion and assessment of “sustainable” seafood. He is now involved in examining awareness of sustainable seafood among consumers, retailers and chefs. He is also exploring evidence for the effects of the sustainable seafood movement on the management of fisheries.
Research group(s)
Conservation in Action, Department of Environment and Geography, University of York
* From 2015 onwards see my account on Pure
2015 |
£2250, BD Stewart |
Isle of Arran crustacean survey |
2014 |
Pump priming grant, University of York |
£750, BD Stewart |
ICES scallop working group |
2014 |
£2500, BD Stewart |
Isle of Arran crustacean survey |
2014 |
£2000, BD Stewart and LM Howarth |
Ecosystem effects of scallop dredging |
2013 |
Santander |
£1000, BD Stewart |
International Connections Award (19th International Pectinid Workshop, Florianopolis, Brazil) |
2013 - 2014 |
Flora and Fauna International |
£16,770, CM Roberts, JP Hawkins and BD Stewart |
Conservation of the Firth of Clyde, Scotland |
2012 |
£5215, BD Stewart and LM Howarth |
Isle of Arran crustacean and scallop survey |
2011-2013 |
Flora and Fauna International |
£182,000, CM Roberts, JP Hawkins and BD Stewart |
Conservation of the Firth of Clyde, Scotland |
2008-2009 |
NE, CCW and SNH |
£4100, BD Stewart and JS Beukers-Stewart |
Principles for the management of inshore scallop fisheries around the United Kingdom |
2008-2011 |
NERC PhD Studentship |
£68,543, BD Stewart and RL Brown |
Untangling the effect of fishing and environmental change on marine benthic communities |
2007-2008 |
Pump priming grant, University of York |
£900, BD Stewart |
Untangling the effect of fishing and environmental change on marine benthic communities |
2006-2007 |
Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture, Isle of Man Government, UK |
£36,000, AR Brand and BD Stewart |
Scallop Fisheries Research |
2005-2006 |
Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture, Isle of Man Government, UK |
£120,000, AR Brand and BD Stewart |
Scallop Fisheries Research |
2003-2006 |
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, UK |
£149,950 in total with £18,000 awarded to my research group |
Towards a network of Marine Protected Areas in the British Isles |
Current students
- Mairi Fenton (PhD) Understanding the consequences of scallop dredging in relation to seabed habitat types, conservation features and other industry sectors (led by Prof Michel Kaiser et al, Herriot Watt)
- Kennedy Osuka Edeye (PhD) The effects of protection and climate change on coral reefs in the Western Indian Ocean (with Dr Colin McClean & Dr Melita Samoilys, CORDIO)
- Will Mitchell (PhD) Innovative approaches to understanding new forms of conservation governance for social and environmental benefits (led by Prof D Brockington, Sheffield)
- Karine Rassol (PhD) Socio-economics of small-scale fisheries in the Seychelles (with Dr Jessica Roberts & Dr Colin McClean)
Past students
External activities
- ICES Scallop Working Group - Member
- Clyde 2020 Research Advisory Group - Member
- Project UK Fisheries Improvements (Channel scallops) - Steering Group Member
- Project UK Fisheries Improvements (UK scallops) - Steering Group Member
Editorial duties
- Manuscript Reviewer - Marine Ecology Progress Series, Marine Biology, ICES Journal of Marine Science, Journal of Fish Biology, Journal of the Marine Biological Association UK, Coral Reefs, Marine Environmental Research, Fish and Fisheries, Journal of Applied Ecology, PLOS One, Hydrobiologia, Environmental Conservation, Estuaries and Coasts, Marine and Freshwater Research, Frontiers in Marine Science.
- Report Reviewer - Partnership for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coastal Oceans (PISCO).
- Grant Reviewer - Portuguese Marine Sciences & Technology; Defra, UK; Lizard Island Research Station, Australian Museum.
- Seafood Sustainability Adviser / Assessor - Blue Ocean Institute, USA; Marine Stewardship Council
- PhD External Examiner - James Cook University, Australia (twice); Bangor University, Wales; Warwick University, England; University of Ulster, Northern Ireland, Plymouth University, England.
Invited talks and conferences
Shilland R, Dobby H and Stewart BD (2015) Effects of environmental variation on king scallop recruitment & landings in the British Isles. Invited seminar, ICES Scallop Working Group meeting, October 2015, Jersey, British Isles.
Stewart BD (2015) Fishing for solutions: lessons from global best practice on how to improve fisheries management in Lake Baikal. Invited seminar, Leverhulme Trust, July 2015, Davsha, Russia
Stewart BD (2015) Marine Protected Areas: fisheries versus warm fuzzy feelings? Invitied seminar, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, April 2015, Flamborough, England, UK
Stewart BD (2015) Marine Protected Areas: fisheries versus warm fuzzy feelings? Invited seminar, Sheffield University, February 2015, England, UK
Stewart BD (2015) UK scallop fishery: status, threats and opportunities. Invited seminar, Seafish, February 2015, York, England, UK
Stewart BD (2014) Spatial management of shellfish fisheries: the path to a sustainable future? Invited seminar, Scottish Parliament, November 2014, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Stewart BD (2014) Spatial management of scallop fisheries: the path to a sustainable future? Invited seminar, Defra Shellfish Research Symposium, October 2014, London, England, UK.
Stewart BD and Howarth LM (2014) Effects of the Lamlash Bay No-take Zone on the marine ecosystem: Implications for wider management. Invited seminar, ICES Scallop Working Group meeting, October 2014, Nantes, France.
Stewart BD and Howarth LM (2014) Can we have our fish and eat it? Invited seminar. Community of Arran Seabed Trust, July 2014, Lamlash, Scotland, UK.
Stewart BD (2014) Can we have our fish and eat it? Invited seminar. Scottish Association of Marine Sciences, July 2014, Oban, Scotland, UK.
Stewart BD, Howarth LM, Sciberras M, Yates KL & Hoskin MG (2013) Opening up about using closed areas to manage scallop fisheries. Keynote speaker. 19th International Pectinid Workshop, April 2013, Florianopolis, Brazil Stewart et al (2013) (PDF
, 4,720kb)
Stewart BD (2012) Fisheries discards: waste of resources or a necessary evil? Invited panelist. Debate on the Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. European Parliament, November 2012, Brussels, Belgium.
Beukers-Stewart BD, Lart W, Sinfield C, Brand AR and Jenkins SR (2012) Patterns and mechanisms of damage in a scallop dredge fishery. Invited seminar. World Fisheries Congress, May 2012 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Beukers-Stewart BD (2012) Can we have our fish and eat it?Invited seminar, University of Newcastle, March 2012, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Beukers-Stewart BD (2011) Can we have our fish and eat it? Keynote speaker. Conservation Forum: Annual Conference of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust. November 2011, Horncastle, UK.
Beukers-Stewart (2010) Is sustainable seafood just a flash in the pan? Invited seminar. Bangor University, October 2010, Bangor, Wales, UK.
Beukers-Stewart BD, Beukers-Stewart JS, Vause BJ and Brand AR (2009) Can MPAs sustain scallop fisheries? Invited seminar. Seachange: an International Conference on Marine Protected Areas. December 2009, London, UK. Beukers-Stewart et al (2009) (PDF
, 1,776kb)
Beukers-Stewart BD and Beukers-Stewart JS (2009) Management of UK scallop fisheries: current status and future opportunities. Invited seminar. Fisheries Research Services, September 2009, Aberdeen, UK.
Beukers-Stewart BD and Beukers-Stewart JS (2007) Monkfish: a cautionary tail. Invited seminar. Catching for the Market Workshop, Seafood Scotland and Seafood Choices Alliance. October 2007, Edinburgh, UK.
Beukers-Stewart BD and Brand AR (2007). Seeking sustainable scallops: do MPAs really work? Invited seminar. Coastal Futures Conference, January 2007, London, UK.
Beukers-Stewart BD (2006). Can we have our fish and eat it? Invited seminar, Defra, Marine and Fisheries Division, June 2006, London, UK.
Beukers-Stewart BD (2005) Closed areas and stock enhancement of scallops: what’s the catch? Invited seminar. Seafish Industry Authority, February 2005, Edinburgh, UK.
Media coverage
The New York Times: "A Scotsman's mission ends in fishing bay restored" August 2015
The Scotsman: "Scottish marine reserve boosts scallop population" February 2015
Science Daily: "Community-led marine reserve produces benefits for fisheries, conservation" February 2015
The Metro: "Celebrity chefs fail food test, but what about the rest of us?" November 2013
The Telegraph: "Delia and Nigella panned over endangered fish" October 2013
The Times: "Celebrity chefs given a dressing down for choosing wrong fish" October 2013
The Financial Times: "Celebrity chefs shun sustainable fishing" October 2013
Futurity: "Lack of biodiversity could topple fisheries" May 2013
The Guardian: "EU fishing fleets discarded £2.7bn of cod, claims report" 1 August 2011
Hugh's Fish Fight: "Discards Ban will boost fisheries says new research" 23 June 2011
BBC News: "Marine life flourishing at Lamlash reserve" 22 April 2011
MSN News: "Protected marine reserve hailed" 28 April 2011
Science Daily: "Climate change boosts scallop stocks in UK waters" 13 October 2009