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Alistair Boxall


Alistair Boxall is Professor in Environmental Science.  Alistair’s research focuses on understanding emerging and future ecological and health risks posed by chemical contaminants in the natural environment. Alistair is a member of the Defra Advisory Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee and is Chair of the Pharmaceutical Advisory Group of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. He regularly advises national and international organisations on issues relating to chemical impacts on the environment and has published extensively on the topic of emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, nanomaterials and veterinary medicines) in the environment. Alistair is co-ordinator of the 3.5 M Euro project 'CAPACITIE' which is exploring methods for monitoring pollution in cities.


Senior Lecturer Department of Environment and Geography, University of York
PhD University of Sheffield
BSc Leicester Polytechnic

Boxall, Alistair

Contact details

Professor Alistair Boxall
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
YO10 5NG

Tel: 01904 324791
Fax: 01904 322998