Abdul Kodir is PhD researcher at Department of Environment, University of York. His research focus on political ecology particularly about the Power Relation on Karst Mining in North Kendeng Mountain, Indonesia. Before initiating the PhD program, he is become lecture/ assistant professor at Sociology Department at Universitas Negeri Malang since 2015. He teaches several subjects such as Developmental Sociology, Environmental Sociology, Rural Sociology, and Qualitative Research Methods. Furthermore, he is also member of Political Ecology Network (POLLEN).
I am a PhD student who is interested in the dynamics of Indonesian environmental politics. My PhD research focuses on the environmental governance of Karst in Indonesia’s North Kendeng Mountain. I will investigate how power relations operate on Karst Mining in North Kendeng Mountain through a political ecology lens. Furthermore, I will analyse the subject research using a pluralistic approach to power as an elaboration power from various perspectives, namely Weberian/ Actor-oriented, Neo-Marxist, and Poststructuralist.
Kodir, A., Tanjung, A., Rosyendra, M., Saputra, M. (2021). Challenges of Covid-19 Medical Waste Management in Indonesia: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective. Waste Forum 2 (2), 52-60
Kodir, A., Tanjung, A., Sumarmi, S., Ahmad, R., Simanjuntak, T.B. (2019). Tourism Governance in Komodo National Park, Indonesia: Blessing or Curse?. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites 27 (4), 1401-1417
Kodir, Abdul. (2019). Political Ecology of a Spring: People’s Resistance to the Construction of a Hotel. Journal of asian sociology 48 (2), 179-198
(Google Scholars link: https://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=V5sC_jgAAAAJ&hl=en)