Posted on 12 March 2014
The new building planned to house the Environment Department, the Stockholm Environment Institute York, the York Environmental Sustainability Institute and BioArCh, a research group covering aspects of Biology, Archaeology and Chemistry moves a stage closer to fruition this month as we enter the final stages of planning permission from the City of York Council.
After six months of frenetic activity behind the scenes with all of the partners involved with the construction, the final external aspects of the building have been confirmed.
In a statement to council planners, Bond Bryan Architects said the Environment Department’s research was the second highest-rated in the UK and the 17th best in the world, but had outgrown its facilities in several buildings at Heslington West.
Now, after 15 years of rapid expansion in its current location, the Department has outgrown its accommodation and will be embarking on a £12 million expansion to create the new, purpose-built building. This will house state-of-the-art science and physical geography laboratory facilities along with new teaching and innovative social spaces, all designed to enhance teaching, learning and research.
Bond Bryan Architects have produced this video flyover of the new building's proposed design.
You can also read the news article appearing in the York Evening Press.