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Dr Sarah Knight
ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow


Sarah is an interdisciplinary researcher specialising in nature-society relationships and geospatial approaches. She is interested in employing quantitative, qualitative and participatory methods to study GIS, green and blue spaces, health & well-being inequalities & ecology. Sarah is currently an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, investigating the links between socioeconomic and environmental inequalities and nature connectedness and leads the ESRC-funded Green & Gender-just Cities project.

Prior to this, Sarah worked with Professor Piran White on a Green Social Prescribing evaluation project, and with Dr Jasper Kenter and SEI-Y on the PERICLES project, managing the online mapping platform to crowd-source coastal and maritime cultural heritage data.  
Sarah completed an ESRC White Rose funded PhD in 2020 on measuring the relationship between the natural environment and subjective well-being.  This involved using regression methods to explore the determinants of human well-being from green/bluespace, air pollution, and biodiversity datasets at small-scale UK geographies. She is also a Data Impact Fellow with the UK Data Service.  Prior to joining the department, she worked in the environmental conservation sector for nearly 10 years in organisations such as UNEP-WCMC, FERA and ZSL.


2021-present ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Environment and Geography, University of York
2019-2021 Participatory GIS Researcher Department of Environment and Geography, University of York
2014-2020 PhD Student Department of Environment and Geography, University of York  
2008-2014 GIS Scientist Imperial College London/FERA/UNEP-WCMC
2007-2008 MRes Ecology and Environmental Management Department of Biology, University of York
2005-2007 Development Officer Zoological Society for London
2001-2004 BSc Geography University of Sheffield

Contact details

Dr Sarah Knight
ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
YO10 5NG

Tel: 01904 324780