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Dr Sally Beckenham 


(Assistant Professor)


Sally is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Human Geography in the Department of Environment and Geography. She is the Programme Lead for Human Geography & Environment and the Chair of the Department's Teaching Development Pool.

She is an interdisciplinary academic with degrees in Modern History (University of East Anglia); International Politics (University of Edinburgh) and International Relations (Department of War Studies, King's College London). Sally's area of expertise is in political and development geography of South and Southeast Asia. In particular she is interested in environmental justice, rights and indigenous environmentalism. She was awarded a Leverhulme scholarship for her PhD research exploring post-tsunami dispossession and discourses of identity in Southern India. Between 2017 - 2020 Sally was a member of the E.U. Commission Horizon 2020 project entitled Competing Regional Integrations in Southeast Asia (CRISEA), working with colleagues in the Global South to explore the relationship between ecological knowledge production and global indigenous discourse in Southeast Myanmar.

Prior to her current role, Sally was Associate Lecturer in Human Geography within the Department of Environment and Geography. Before this she was Lecturer in International Politics and Development at the Institute of Southeast Asian Affairs (ISEAA), Chiang Mai University (CMU) in Thailand and an Affiliated Researcher at CMU’s Regional Centre for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD). She also served for three years as Lecturer in Environmental Politics at the University Study Abroad Consortium within CMU’s Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration. She previously taught at the Department of War Studies, King’s College London.

In her current role, Sally is exploring an interest in critical and engaged pedagogy and its value to students of political geography. She co-leads the Department’s Teaching and Learning Group and is also a member of the Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre (IGDC).

Contact details

Dr Sally Beckenham
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Department of Environment and Geography
University of York
YO10 5DD