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Piran White holds a Personal Chair. He has been at York since 1995 when he was first appointed as a Lecturer. He has held visiting research posts at New South Wales Agriculture (Orange, Australia), AgResearch (Lincoln, New Zealand) and the University of Waikato (Hamilton, New Zealand).
Piran is Deputy Director of the NERC-funded Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability Directorate, a £13m research programme on ecosystem services. He was the coordinator of the ESRC transdisciplinary seminar series on coastal wetland ecosystem services and he leads the University of York’s involvement in the Australian-based Co-operative Research Centre on Invasive Animals.
He is Editor of Wildlife Research journal and was formerly an Associate Editor of Journal of Animal Ecology. He has served on research assessment panels for the ESRC and NERC and has acted as an external advisor for Defra and Natural England.
Recently funded research includes:
Please note that Piran's office has moved - he is now in V/X/030 in Grimston House
Piran has a wide range of research interests focused on two main areas:
(1) wildlife ecology, management and disease; and
(2) biodiversity, ecosystem functions and ecosystem services.
Current Funded Projects
2011 | Raffaelli, D. & White, P.C.L. 2011. NERC Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Sustainability Directorate. NERC, £1.4m. |
2010 | Raffaelli, D. & White, P.C.L. 2010. An inventory of activities, disturbances and associated risks at the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coast European Marine Site. Natural England, £18,090. |
2010 | Irvine, J., White, P.C.L., van der Wal, R., White, R.M. & Mayle, B. 2010. Building capacity through participatory action learning for the implementation of sustainable natural resource management. UK Research Councils RELU programme, £75,000. |
2008 | Aranaz, A., White, P.C.L. et al. 2008. Strategies for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis (TB-STEP). European Union FP7. €2,894,759. |
Current Research Students
2010 | Raffaelli, D. & White, P.C.L. 2010. Developing an Ecosystem Approach for the Yorkshire and Humber Integrated Regional Strategy. Yorkshire Futures. £22,700. |
2007 | White, P.C.L. 2007. Community participation in deer management: a case study of Rusa deer in Royal National park, Australia. PhD studentship, Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre (Australia), £25,000 (AUS$55,000). |
2007 | White, P.C.L. et al. 2007. Coastal wetland ecosystem services. ESRC interdisciplinary seminar series, £22,242. |
2007-2010 | Solan, M., Raffaelli, D., Paterson, D. & White, P.C.L. 2007-2010. Marine biodiversity-ecosystem processes under uncertain environmental futures. NERC, £380,663 |
2007-2009 | Huby, M., Cinderby, S. & White, P.C.L. Social and environmental inequalities in rural areas. UK Research Councils RELU programme, £278,660. |
2006-2007 | Raffaelli, D., White, P.C.L., Smart, J.C. & Ashmore, M. England’s terrestrial ecosystem services and the rationale for an ecosystem-based approach. A joint project between ADAS, University of Nottingham and University of York. Defra, £17,300. |
2006-2009 | McLeod, S. White, P.C.L. & Hutchings, M.R. Causes of local variation in the impact of RHDV. National Feral Animal Control Program (Australia), £16,132 (AUS$40,000) |
2006-2009 | White, P.C.L. & McLeod, S. Factors affecting the success of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus in Australia. PhD studentship, Invasive Animals Co-operative Research Centre (Australia), £27,828 (AUS$69,000). |
2006-2009 | Irvine, J., Macmillan, D., Mayle, B., Richards, C., Van der Wal, R. & White, P.C.L. Collaborative frameworks in land management: a case study on integrated deer management. A joint project between the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), Forest Research, the Macaulay Institute, the University of Aberdeen and the University of York, led by CEH. UK Research Councils RELU programme, £597,854. (University of York: £62,980). |
2005-2008 | Irvine, J. et al. Developing methodologies for assessing the diffuse impacts of deer. SEERAD, £59,763. |
2005-2012 | Saunders, G. et al. Australasian Invasive Animal Co-operative Research Centre. University of York is a full member of this CRC. Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training, AUS$30m |
2004 | Ji, W., White, P.C.L., Delahay, R. & Hutchings, M.R. Measuring interactions between badger individuals and groups using novel proximity data loggers. British Ecological Society, £1500. |
2004-2005 | White, P.C.L., McClean, C.J., Raffaelli, D.G., Moran, D., Harris, S. & Gillings, S. Integrating spatial data on the rural economy, land use and biodiversity. A Development Activity award between the University of York, Scottish Agricultural College, University of Bristol and British Trust for Ornithology, led by the University of York. UK Research Councils RELU programme, £18,364. |
2004 | Raffaelli, D.G., White, P.C.L. & Perrings, C.A. RELU: the international context. A Development Activity award within the UK Research Councils RELU programme, £17,234. |
2004 | White, P.C.L., Smart, J.C.R., Ward, A.I. & Moore, N. Impacts of deer and deer management on woodland biodiversity in the English lowlands: a literature review and assessment of research needs. A collaborative project between the University of York and Central Science Laboratory, led by the University of York. The Woodland Trust, £7,614. |
2004-2007 | White, P.C.L. & Raffaelli, D.G. Biodiversity-ecosystem processes in heterogeneous environments, Natural Environment Research Council, £324,928. A collaborative project between the Universities of York (Piran White & Dave Raffaelli), Aberdeen (Graham Pierce) and St. Andrews (David Paterson), led by the University of York (£171,394). |
2003-2004 | Raffaelli, D.G., White, P.C.L. & Perrings, C.A. The future of healthy ecosystems, A collaborative project with Central Science Laboratory, led by the University of York. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, £51,432. |