Accessibility statement

Lucy McMahon
PhD Student


I am a marine scientist with broad research interests in the structure, function and resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems, notably salt marshes and seagrass beds. In particular, I am concerned with the effect of environmental change on ecosystem function, and subsequently the provision of ecosystem services. I am keen to undertake research that has strong focus on informing coastal management and conservation.

Throughout my academic career, I have had the opportunity to work on a variety of marine ecosystems across the globe including salt marshes, sand dunes, rocky shores, kelp forests and coral reefs. My previous work has included the persistence of Sabellaria alveolata (Honeycomb worm) reefs in North-west England, the effect of the Flamborough Head no-take zone on the intertidal rocky shore community and environmental drivers for salt marsh lateral extent. During my MSc, I developed a fascination with the services provided by coastal ecosystems and their resilience to anthropogenic driven environmental change. This interest has led to me to my current, interdisciplinary research which focuses on salt marsh ‘blue carbon’ in a changing environment.

I am also enthusiastic about science communication, education and ocean optimism. Please find me on Twitter (@­_LucyMcMahon)


Academic career

2018 - Present

PhD student

University of York

2016 - 2017

MSc Marine Environmental Management

University of York

2012 - 2015

BSc Marine Biology

University of Liverpool