Accessibility statement

Dr Daryl Stump


Daryl Stump holds a joint appointment with the Department of Archaeology and the Department of Environment and Geography reflecting his research interests in the use of archaeological techniques to assess the sustainability of human-environment interactions, with a particular focus on historic agricultural systems in eastern Africa.

From 2014-2018 he led the ERC-funded ‘Archaeology of Agricultural Resilience in Eastern Africa’ project (AAREA), which examined the long-term sustainability of the terraced agricultural systems at Engaruka, Tanzania, and Konso, Ethiopia, through a combination of archaeological, geoarchaeological, archaeobotanical and modelling techniques; a short film on which is available here.  During the AAREA project Daryl also led two Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (tRRACES and MATRIX), both of which added further geochemical techniques and additional case-studies, but maintained this focus on how long-term data drawn from a variety of techniques can inform modern resource-use policies.

Daryl first joined York as a Marie-Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow as part of another EU-funded project: ‘Historical Ecologies of East African Landscapes’ (HEEAL), which ran from 2007 to 2011.  Between the HEEAL and AAREA projects he returned to his first love of British contract field archaeology; a compulsion he has been both enjoying and enduring since 1992.  Daryl holds a degree in Social Anthropology and African Archaeology from SOAS (1999); an MA and PhD in African Archaeology from UCL (2001 and 2006); and a grudge against the rats that live beneath his shed.

He is always happy to discuss the design and funding of potential PhD or post-doctoral research projects on the themes of applied archaeology, the development of agricultural landscapes, the archaeology of eastern Africa, and long-term sustainability.

Contact details

Dr Daryl Stump
Department of Environment & Geography
University of York
Wentworth Way
YO10 5DD