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Enterprise Works runs first ever entrepreneur exchange

News | Posted on Friday 9 June 2023

An entrepreneur exchange run by the University of York has created opportunities for three of the region’s small businesses to expand their client base internationally, get local, expert market advice, and create overseas investment opportunities.

Thessaloniki exchange whole group
Members of the entrepreneur exchange, the University of York and CITY College, University of York Europe Campus teams during this visit

Enterprise Works, the University’s small business hub, led the exchange, through CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, based in Thessaloniki and was joined by three North Yorkshire companies: Nature’s Laboratory, TestCard and Asclepius Healthcare, who demonstrated relevant sector links to the Greek market with significant potential to benefit from the trip.  

  •         TestCard is a digital platform technology that allows accurate reading, recording, and reporting of test results.
  •         Asclepius Healthcare will provide an innovative solution to improve the quality of surgical care through better risk stratification and enhanced postoperative monitoring.
  •         Nature’s Laboratory develop sustainable and effective natural medicines, including plant medicines, bee medicines and skincare.

Utilising the local knowledge and links, the entrepreneurs were given an expert introduction to the local markets and 1-2-1 meetings with a range of relevant local businesses. They also attended the European Business Angels Network annual congress, held in Thessaloniki, where they accessed a range of specialist investment advice and access to the investor community.

Julie Macey-Hewitt, Operations Manager at TestCard said “As an ambitious company with a strong growth record, we were delighted to be selected to join this exchange. The existing in-country links meant that we could engage with a number of major potential-client companies, build relationships and expand our investor opportunities. It’s so valuable to regional businesses to have the University playing an active role in supporting small business and using its global links to create growth opportunities”.

Director of Enterprise Works, Sam Gardner said “Enterprise Works’ role is to create opportunities for anyone, from any community, to be entrepreneurial – whether that’s in their own community, through a charity, or in starting and growing a business. We’re delighted to be able to use the University’s strong global links to support our region’s entrepreneurs and look forward to building links with the thriving business community in Thessaloniki and the South East European region.”

Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Partnerships and Engagement, Prof Kiran Trehan said “We are building strong, collaborative partnerships in York and around the world. By promoting collaboration beyond disciplinary boundaries, and with diverse people and entities from across society, for and with our local and business community we can create a thriving local economy that retains talent in the region, and enables global competitiveness.”

 There will be a continuing relationship between the university and the entrepreneurs, who will be sharing their expertise, stories and experience with the student and local entrepreneurial communities.  Given the success of this exciting pilot programme the university is exploring opportunities to provide a similar venture to Greece, and with other global partners next year.

Notes to editors:

Enterprise Works

Enterprise Works is a new business hub in York that helps businesses to grow and drives social change by encouraging and supporting entrepreneurial activity. We bring together regional businesses, entrepreneurs, students and researchers to nurture enterprising talent and help small businesses to grow.

Based in York’s renovated Guildhall, we offer business facilities and expertise to support existing and future entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and communities. Our work is underpinned by the University’s established research expertise and our existing business support services.

CITY College, University of York Europe Campus

CITY College, University of York Europe Campus is a strategic alliance between CITY College and the University of York which demonstrates a shared commitment to outstanding and empowering student experiences, to curiosity-driven and action-oriented research, and to partnerships and engagement at local, regional and global scales. Both organisations are committed to public good and strive to create an inclusive international community where they can learn from each other and develop with each other. 

You can find out more about our partnership with CITY College here

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