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Home>Enterprise Works>Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

A Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), is a 3-way collaboration between a business, a skilled graduate (known as a KTP Associate) and a university to deliver a strategic, transformational innovation project in a business. KTP projects are part-funded by substantial government grants of up to 75% of the project's cost depending on the size of the business involved. Public sector organisations are now eligible to apply for KTP funding at a 50% grant rate. 

KTPs improve company competitiveness, productivity, performance and profitability by tapping into the knowledge, skills and expertise in UK universities and research organisations. The programme represents an extremely cost-effective means of introducing new skills into your workplace to resolve an ongoing challenge or issue.

There are two types of KTP - the standard KTP which was establised at the inception of the programme (45 years ago), and the Management KTP (mKTP) which is a relative newcomer. Both have the same aims of helping businesses improve their competitiveness, profitability etc. The KTP Team will help you determine which is the most appropriate route to take depending on your business need.  The structure of the KTP, including the application process, project fundamentals and support offered, are the same irrespective of which type of KTP is applied for.

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+44 (0)1904 321420

Why work with York?

Recent times have clearly demonstrated that innovation is a key attribute harnessed by thriving businesses, or indeed businesses reinventing themselves to maintain their foothold in the face of massive challenges. Innovation tends to emerge when individuals with new ideas and different perspectives and experiences come together to consider a current challenge or problem. The KTP programe enables this intersection to happen in a structured yet organic way.

  • We offer a wide range of expertise in disciplines from over 25 Departments and 40 major research centres.
  • We have a strong track record of over 55 KTP,  which have formed valuable collaborations between businesses of varying sizes, from micro to multi-nationals.
  • In the UK-wide assessment of the quality of research undertaken in universities - Research Excellence Framework (REF) - the proportion of our research of world-leading 4* status was among the highest of any UK university, with eight of our departments ranked in the top five for their subject. We ranked tenth out of 122 higher education institutions for the impact of our research.

The KTP Process