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"Ethnic minority owned businesses are vital to the success of the regional and national economy. To ensure the future success of the region, we need to have a clear understanding of the needs of these businesses to provide them with the support they need to drive inclusive growth. The annual Business Barometer will provide much needed data to influence policy change and ensure diversity in our entrepreneurial community across the North of England.”

Prof Kiran Trehan, PVC for Enterprise, Partnerships and Engagement, University of York and Professor of Entrepreneurship

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Business Barometer

The Northern Powerhouse (NPH) Ethnic Minority Business and Policy Forum
, Enterprise Works at the University of York, and Y-PERN are undertaking research in to the challenges and barriers for ethnic minority businesses in the Northern Powerhouse region, to enable greater understanding of the needs of this community and to influence the business support policies targeted at these groups. Findings will be used to create the NPH Ethnic Minority Business Barometer. 

The idea for the barometer evolved from the publication of The Time to Change Report produced by the Centre for Research in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), at Aston University. This report recommended gathering better data on entrepreneurial diversity to enable more evidence-based policymaking.

Sharon Jandu from the NPH Ethnic Minority Business and Policy Forum added: “The report identified that the contribution of ethnic minority businesses to the UK economy could increase four-fold from £25bn to £100bn by realising the changes in the report.  This is a huge offering to the economy, but to support the relevant businesses, we need to understand which areas they need assistance, to then pursue policy changes that will enable this help.”


The Ethnic Minority Business Barometer report will be an annual survey of ethnic minority-owned businesses across the UK’s Northern Powerhouse which will determine business confidence levels, barriers to growth, and gather data on their business support needs. 

The survey will cover a range of valuable questions from business activity and economic optimism to staff levels, wages and prices. It will also review the challenges facing minority-owned businesses, check for trends and provide regional and sector insights.

Share your insight, perspectives and experience to help us gain a vital insight into the needs of ethnic-minority owned businesses to enable more evidence-based policy making and business support. Findings will be shared widely with business advisors and policy makers across the NPH region, acting as a catalyst for positive change to policy and business support.

Sharon Jandu, from the NPH Ethnic Minority Business and Policy Forum, said, This barometer is a really important step forward to help determine business confidence levels and give an insight into emerging economic trends which will help forecasting and forward planning. This is an exciting and revolutionary project that I hope businesses will support and get involved with, to enable us to help and support them in return.”

Take Part

Take part in the survey here.

NPH Ethnic Minority Business and Policy Forum Definition of Ethnic Minority
Ethnic minorities’ refer to all ethnic groups except the white British group. Ethnic minorities include Black, African, Caribbean, Asian and white minorities, such as Jewish, Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller groups. A group within a community which has different national or cultural traditions from the main population.