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Entrepreneurial journeys: Anne Wyn-Jones

Entrepreneur Anne is the founder of traydle®, an innovative company manufacturing a device that enables users of all abilities to transfer café purchases safely and independently to a table. “From traydle® to table!”


traydle® is for anyone to safely transfer a self-service café tray from a service counter to a table. With a compact and well-balanced design, traydle® enables customers to remain confidently independent.

Founded by Anne after she suffered an injury where she was unable to lift, let alone carry a self-service tray with the same level of independence she was accustomed to in public space.

traydle® is on a mission to shine a light on the power of personal independence, and what public spaces and retailers can do to make available alternative equipment to help improve the quality of life for everyone who come through their door.

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Anne's Journey

Anne has a wealth of wide-ranging experience, with a career spanning three decades.  

Anne’s ‘lightbulb’ moment to start traydle® came from a period of limited mobility following an injury and the instinctive, emotive response to losing some of her independence.

traydle® has been granted a UK patent and the first prototype is due in April.


As a businesswoman with dyslexia, Anne understands it’s necessary to put in the extra effort to succeed and the value of empowerment that comes with increased independence, creating stronger, healthier communities.

Anne said;

“Despite being dyslexic, I researched to see if there was any alternative equipment, drew the initial traydle® design, and instructed a patent lawyer. I didn’t tell anyone, not even my family about my patent application. I didn’t want to take the risk of traydle® being made ‘public’ as it would have compromised the patent application.”

Once I had traydle® patent did I approach and instruct a product designer!

I found the prospect of preparing a business plan, marketing plan, pitch deck, and business model canvas more of a challenge. I now have some very good contacts who have helped push traydle® to the next level.

 Rather than needlessly struggle to prepare those documents, I knew there were others with the skills set, business insight and experience that I lack. Whenever an opportunity arose, I did take it!

Business Role Models

“There are so many good role models yet Theo Paphitis is a fellow dyslexic”

Words of advice

“Have patience! On 10.02.22, I started traydle® and while I have achieved a great deal, there’s still much to do to bring.”

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