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Home>Enterprise Works>Enterprise everybody's business - Online course

Do you want to gain essential enterprise skills to help turn your idea into a viable start-up organisation that reaches your target customers or beneficiaries?

Overview of the course

Enterprising people are valuable additions to any workforce. Using a range of skills from empathy to problem-solving, enterprise skills can help develop an existing career, and help you start a ‘side hustle’ or full-time start-up where you can develop a product or service you’ve always thought about.

About the course

This free course will cover useful activities and ‘design thinking’ process which the best founders and entrepreneurs use to test their ideas and ascertain whether they’re viable. In addition, further content which the course will cover:

  • how to come up with ideas
  • how to judge the market
  • how to work with other people
  • how to make money
  • how to make a positive social impact

Sign up for access to this free course

This course is now available to join in self-directed study mode for anyone for free. The course will be delivered in weekly sessions across three weeks. 

Complete the Google form for free access to this course


Further business support

If you are a York-based pre-start business or entrepreneur then we are able to offer fully-funded innovation support via the Innovate York Programme.  You can find out more information via our Innovate York webpage .  If you would like to attend the Innovation Workshop for pre-start businesses then please complete the Innovation Workshop Application Form .
Innovate York is delivered by the University of York and funded by City of York Council through the UK shared Prosperity Fund.


Case Studies

Read case studies of successful entrepreneurs who have overcome multiple barriers and started their own successful businesses.  If you would like to feature your business story then please contact 

Contact us

We’d be delighted to hear from you. The Enterprise Works team can be contacted via:
+44 (0)1904 321420

Go .. spice up your indian cooking! 

Go Indian Spice is a Yorkshire Based company developing tasty  Indian spice blends which are vegan, gluten-free, and  low in salt. Their versatile and preservative free spice mixes are packed with flavour and can be used to make a variety of dishes, including curries, stir-fries, and marinades.

Founders Dave and Lucky, both of Indian heritage, are proud of their cherished family spice blends, which have been passed down and perfected through the generations. 

For Dave, who grew up in a low-income household in Glasgow and raised by his single mother, times were tough and money was tight. ”We had to be really creative with the ingredients we had in the kitchen. If we had beans in the cupboard we would make a baked-bean masala curry - if we had eggs we would make curried scrambled eggs. We couldn't really get around too much as we relied on public transport so I spent alot of time in the kitchen with mum getting creative and developing really exciting family meals.”

Fast forward to today and Dave and Lucky met and live in Leeds with their 10 year old daughter. One day, when their daughter was very young, they ran out of some key spices to make their meal so in haste they bought a shop curry powder. Dave says “It was absolutely disgusting, full of preservatives and so much salt in it!!” There and then an idea was born and they realised they wanted to bring to the market their Punjabi and Indian unique spice blends so that others could create their very own healthy and tasty meals just as they had done. 

They have worked hard to create bold and delicious flavours to bring to kitchens across the UK. Their blends; Refresh, Zing, Boost and Kickstart can be paired with meat, seafood and vegetables. Their website contains a wealth of recipes so their customers can get creative in their own kitchen! 

The early days of getting business off the ground was not all been plain sailing.Dave says “I just thought it would all be so easy, I made many mistakes. I had to spend a lot of time contacting suppliers.  However determination got them through and Dave tells us ‘I just want to say to anyone starting a business just don't give up, have faith in yourself, do your research properly, understand your market and stick to your goals.  It won’t be easy, but just take things one step at a time, learn from your mistakes.  Motivation and belief in yourself will get you through!”

Dave adds that although starting a business requires sacrifice it does come with fantastic rewards:
1. When you run your own business you are the boss and are independent - you make the rules
2.  You can be flexible with your time and decide where and when you want to work
3. You are passionate about your own business, you have the vision, you get to do what you love
4. There is great satisfaction from seeing your business grow

Dave and Lucky are truly an inspiration and success story.  They have a strong belief in giving back to the community and are passionate about helping others.  They donate some of their spices to their local Salvation Army who then give to those in need.  “We  want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy a delicious and healthy meal, no matter what their circumstances”.

For more information visit 

If you're looking to start your own business then check out our free 3 week programme.  Complete the Google form for free access to this course


Image:  Lucky and her range of Go Indian Spices 



A NEW artisan coffee shop has opened in York, focusing on quality organic and sustainably sourced foods with a drive to become net zero  

Remedy Coffee Shop in Fossgate York, is a coffee shop with a difference!  They are a ‘for the planet venture’ serving great coffee and great food to their ethically-minded customers who are conscious and considerate about their footprint on the planet. 

Founder, Chris Wilkinson 29, opened the shop following his extensive travels throughout Asia.  Chris says ‘I am a patient and empathetic individual and have been travelling since I was 18. When I re-visited some places, years later, I noticed that many environments were adversely affected by climate change. I started to feel a personal accountability for my footprint on the planet. As I have always worked in hospitality, this experience drove my desire to open a ‘for the planet venture’.  

Chris tells us ‘here at the coffee shop we are aiming for for net zero and zero waste.   We source our ingredients locally, as much as possible, and always organic.  We work with our suppliers to help them become carbon neutral too. Our coffee is roasted using hydrogen and everything in the shop is delivered in a cyclic waste system. Even the coffee is delivered in a tub which is just washed and reused.  Our wine bottles are washed and then sent back to the winery.  Our organic juices are pressed in Tadcaster and decanted here’.   

The coffee shop boasts some fantastic initiatives to help their customers meet their zero-waste goals.  Takeaway coffee is served in edible cups, you drink your coffee and eat your wafer cup - no recycling!  The York mug library, just take a mug from the wall in the cafe, purchase your favourite beverage and then whilst on your travels through York just return the mug to another participating local coffee shop!  

Chris continues that growing up as part of a large family life was not always easy.  ‘My Dad always wanted to spend more time with his family, so he took a big risk, sold our family home and put all the money into buying a business up north.  The business was a fantastic success and growing up I saw his hard-work, passion, determination and then the eventual benefits of starting your own business - I was inspired by him!’.  

Chris says ‘I just want to tell people that with a good business idea and identifying an unmet need or demand in the market - then I would encourage those who want to start their own business to go on and take the plunge! You will need to be patient and focus on the big picture! You need to stay organised as doing the boring bits is very important too! Chris continues, ‘There really is something about doing it for yourself which keeps your motivation going!  Its important to have good people around you who can provide solid advice for when those stresses build up. Categorise and prioritise, pick and task and finish it this will stop you getting overwhelmed’.  

Since starting the business 1 year ago they have a bustling coffee shop with many regular customers who are engaged with their pro-planet ethics.

Going forward the coffee shop has many exciting plans for the future including introducing; the world's first carbon neutral coffee roaster,  opening the coffee shop in the evenings as a wine bar and also expansion into other towns!  

Chris we wish you every success with your exciting new venture!  

For more information visit 

If you're looking to start your own business then check out our free 3 week programme.  Complete the Google form for free access to this course


Image:  Chris and Remedy Coffee Shop, Fossgate, York

Chris and Remedy Coffee Shop York