English and Related Literature Academic Achievement Scholarships
The Department of English provides Academic Achievement Scholarships worth £1,000 each year of study. These scholarships provide just one way for us to recognise and celebrate the success of students who have overcome significant barriers and challenges in their journey to higher education.
Open to UK (home) students only.
Open to students in the Department of English and Related Literature.
Open to UK (home) students in the Department of English and Related Literature enrolled on Q300 BA (Hons) English starting in September 2025.
To be eligible you must:
- be a UK (home) student
- be enrolled on Q300 BA (Hons) English
- be starting your course in September 2025
- have studied in a UK state school or college at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5
There is no application form. The Department will use the information received from UCAS relating to its Multiple Equality Measure, along with information available on your UCAS form, to identify recipients.
Recipients will be selected based on the above criteria, and notified before the end of Semester 1. Payment will be made in Semester 2.
Students who arrange to transfer out of BA English or withdraw from the University will have their scholarship offer withdrawn.
Contact details
Outreach, Events and Funding Manager
Undergraduate Admissions