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Current PhD Students

Katie Crowther

Thesis Title:

Georgian Paper Traces: Women’s Stories, Ephemeral Texts and Hidden Objects


Dr Chloe Wigston Smith


My thesis links eighteenth-century print culture to the rich array of writing generated by women in the country house. I focus of how the country house could be a lonely environment, and the material manoeuvres that Georgian women used to combat geographic remoteness and social isolation. I connect diverse manuscripts and print ephemera to the life cycle, and examine the correlations between the lived experiences of women and the property novel. Finally, I consider the spatial relations of fiction, ephemera, and manuscripts to National trust properties, tying theoretical conclusions to extant features of Georgian houses.

I hold a BA in History from the University of Derby, and completed my MA in Eighteenth Century Studies here at York. My PhD research is in collaboration with the National Trust, and funded by the White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities.
