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Sophie Coulombeau


Sophie's main expertise is in literature and culture of the long eighteenth century. She carried out postgraduate study at the University of Pennsylvania (Thouron Fellowship) and then the University of York, where her doctoral thesis focused on the relationship between naming and identity in late eighteenth-century English literature. She then spent five years as a Lecturer at Cardiff University, where she taught a range of critical and creative modules. She is the author of Reading With The Burneys: Patronage, Paratext, and Performance (Cambridge University Press, 2024) and editor of New Perspectives on the Burney Family (Duke University Press, 2018), and has published articles and chapters in Nineteenth-Century Prose, the Huntington Library QuarterlyEighteenth-Century Life, and Historical Fiction Now. She is General Editor of the Burney Journal.

In 2019, along with colleagues from Manchester University and the University of Vigo, she was awarded a large AHRC grant for the collaborative research project 'Unlocking the Mary Hamilton Papers', based at the John Rylands Library. In 2022 the team published their open access digital edition The Mary Hamilton Papers (c.1740-c.1850). This open access resource presents 3000 items of life writing (diaries, letters and manuscript books) as high-resolution images, metadata, and transcribed text with an editorial gloss. Alongside other project outputs (see 'Research'), Sophie is currently co-editing a volume of essays, Mary Hamilton and Her Circles, with Co-Investigators David Denison and Nuria Yáñez-Bouza.

Sophie is also a creative writer of prose fiction and autofiction. In 2012 she won the Arts Council England Next Great Novelist Award with her debut novel Rites (Route Publishing). She has received awards from New Writing North, the Society of Authors, and Arts Council England's Developing Your Creative Practice scheme to support her writing. Her most recent publication, a creative-critical essay about motherhood and mobility called Walking Matilda, was aired on BBC Radio 3 and featured in Writers on Walks, an audio anthology published by Penguin, in 2023.

Contact details

Dr Sophie Coulombeau
Department of English and Related Literature
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel: +44 (0)1904 323331