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Jon Mee


Jon Mee is Professor of Eighteenth-Century Studies in the English Department.

He came to York in 2013 after seven years at the University of Warwick as Professor of English and over a decade in the English Faculty at Oxford where he was Margaret Candfield Fellow in English at University College and Professor of the Literature of the Romantic Period. Before moving to Oxford, he was a Senior Lecturer at the Australian National University. Jon did his undergraduate degree at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne followed by a PhD at Cambridge. He was a Junior Research Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford, before moving to Australia in 1991.

His most recent book is Networks of Improvement: Literature Bodies and Machines in the Industrial Revolution (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2023). The research for the book was supported by the R. Stanton Avery Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Huntington Library and a British Academy Senior Research Fellowship. Networks of Improvement was short-listed for the Kenshur Prize in 2024.

His previous book Print, Publicity, and Popular Radicalism: The Laurel of Liberty (Cambridge University Press, 2016, paperback 2018) drew on years of interest in the popular radical culture of the 1790s and the role of print in the emergence of popular politics. The research for the book was funded by an AHRC fellowship, but it drew upon material he encountered while writing his very first book: Dangerous Enthusiasm: William Blake and the Culture of Radicalism in the 1790s (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992). 

Conversable Worlds: Literature, Contention, and Community 1762-1830 (Oxford University Press) drew on research funded by a Phillip J. Leverhulme Major Research Fellowship and came out in paperback in 2013. During the course of working on the book, he held fellowships at the University of Chicago (2008), the Yale Centre for British Art (2009), and the Australian National University (2009). He has also held a visiting fellowship at the University of New Delhi.

Jon was PI on the Leverhulme Major Project Grant ‘Networks of Improvement’ from 2011 to 2015. The project was concerned with the circulation of ideas of all kinds through social networks (regional, national, colonial), especially as they defined other kinds of knowledge in relation to the literary. 

The work done on this project has developed in a number of other directions. It fed into the AHRC network grant – now completed - that he held with Dr Matt Sangster (University of Glasgow) on ‘Institutions of Literature’ now published as Institutions of Literature, 1700-1900. The AHRC network grant, in turn, fed into the Royal Society of Edinburgh-funded follow-up on the 1820s, which has fed into another collection of essays, Remediating the 1820s, also edited with Matt Sangster, which came out from Edinburgh University Press in 2022. 

Contact details

Jon Mee
English and Related Literature
Kings Manor K/G74

Tel: +44 (0)1904 324986